Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes

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Debunking diet myths

Debunking diet myths

Every day people search the internet for the latest, fastest, best diet… and everyday people are uploading diets labeled the latest, fastest, best! The weight loss industry is worth £ billions, so it’s no surprise that there are hundreds and thousands of diets to choose from. With so many diets...

3 min read

Dealing with competition nerves

Dealing with competition nerves

Competition provides us with mental and physical challenges and stimulation, but it also provides us with considerable uncertainty. When we dive into the pool, or kick the football towards the goal, the outcome is unknown.  The stress that competition provides us is linked with this uncertainty of the outcome.  Part...

6 min read

Exercise routines that you can do at home

Exercise routines that you can do at home

Lockdown is here to stay.  Well for now at least, and even when gyms open again there will be a number of restrictions in place that mean visiting the gym won't be the experience you are used to for a while. But it's always important to stay fit and healthy...

3 min read

Calm your thoughts and mind

Calm your thoughts and mind

It’s fair to say that we are currently experiencing a period in our lives that is placing us all under a lot more stress and tension… so it’s only natural that we are all getting worried and upset, more than normal.Being worried and getting upset from time to time is...

4 min read

Are all protein sources the same?

Are all protein sources the same?

In order to answer this question we must first understand more about protein and the various protein compounds that make up proteins.   Protein plays a major role in our bodies.  It provides the structure of our muscles, bone, skin, and tissues, as well as the power to fuel the...

3 min read

Charlie Unwin - Episode 4 - Managing Your Bubble

Charlie Unwin - Episode 4 - Managing Your Bubble

Watch Episode 4 here Subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel to never miss an episode If you would prefer to read the text version of Charlie's latest vlog - check out the video transcript below Amy Williams: Welcome back everyone to the U Perform channel. I'm Amy Williams and...

21 min read

Charlie Unwin - Episode 3 - The Power of Positivity

Charlie Unwin - Episode 3 - The Power of Positivity

Watch Episode 3 here Subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel If you would prefer to read the text version of Charlie's latest vlog - check out the video transcript below Amy Williams: Hello! it's Amy Williams here with Charlie Unwin for the U Perform channel. Thank you very much...

13 min read

Charlie Unwin - Episode 2 - The Performance Inside

Charlie Unwin - Episode 2 - The Performance Inside

This week Charlie explains to us what is Performance Psychology and how it can help us all, in all areas of our lives. Watch episode 2 and discover how our internal performance can improve our external performance.   Click here to subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel If you...

11 min read

U Perform Ambassador Program performance nutrition

Here's how we support our U Perform Ambassadors

Last week, we shared a little insight into the U Perform Ambassador program and a few things you should expect if you join the team. This week, we want to take it a step further and share with you exactly what we do to support our Ambassadors from the moment...

4 min read

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Will Dixon

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Will Dixon

We absolutely love our Friday Ambassador Spotlights. It’s a great opportunity to showcase our amazing ambassadors and find out all about their sport and fitness journeys. This week we welcome another multi-sport athlete into the mix; triathlete – Will Dixon.   Let’s hand it over to Will and find out...

4 min read