Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes

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U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Paul O'Neill @ Pro Nutrition Clinic

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Paul O'Neill @ Pro ...

We had an amazing response last week as we introduced Kim Loney aka @theultrarunningmum so we are really excited to continue featuring our brilliant team of U Perform ambassadors. This week, it’s the turn of Paul O’Neill, founder of Pro Nutrition Clinic. We are thrilled to say that he has...

4 min read

Kim Loney - Ultra runner - U Perform - sports nutrition

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Kim Loney aka @theu...

Every Friday we feature one of our amazing U Perform Ambassadors. This is our favourite time of the week as we get to learn all about the people behind U Perform - their sport & their journey. This week, we are shining the spotlight on Kim Loney aka @theultrarunningmum who...

5 min read

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Elysia Harrison

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Elysia Harrison

This week, we introduce another of our U Perform ambassadors – Elysia Harrison. Who is not only an athlete but also mum of 2 young kids and a sports therapist. Take it away Elysia…   Elysia: My sporting journey began in my school years as a competitive pentathlete and middle...

3 min read

High rep or low rep for building muscle

High rep or low rep for building muscle

On this week's blog I would like to discuss whether to use a high rep - light weight protocol for building muscle or whether a low rep - high weight protocol is more effective in achieving an increase in muscle size.  This topic has been discussed on the gym floor...

3 min read

Self-care at home

Self-care at home

Self-care is an important part of any fitness regime but we often don’t give it as much attention as it needs.  The majority of people who are into fitness do it for vanity reasons and having more flexible hamstrings or being able to move comfortably isn’t as important as how...

3 min read

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Gregg McNally

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Gregg McNally

Kicking the ball into touch for the next in our series of Ambassador Spotlights is Gregg McNally – professional rugby league player hailing from Cumbria, UK. Gregg is currently playing for Leigh Centurions and has been keeping fit and active ready for when the playing season resumes.   Gregg has...

2 min read

U Perform Expert and Presenter - Amy Williams MBE OLY

U Perform Expert and Presenter - Amy Williams MBE OLY

It’s Friday, it’s nearly the weekend but we have something a little different for you today.   It is a pleasure to introduce to you all our latest addition to the U Perform Experts and Presenter Team. Olympic Gold Medallist, TV Presenter and Personal Trainer – Amy Williams MBE OLY...

4 min read

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Zoe Davison

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Zoe Davison

It’s Friday, and that means it’s time for another Ambassador Spotlight. Today we are introducing a future Olympic hopeful…Zoe Davison. Take it away Zoe!     Zoe: I'm not your average Zo! I do an event encompassing 5 sports in one day, modern pentathlon! Tough mentally and physically but the...

2 min read

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Stewart Cruikshank

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Stewart Cruikshank

Stepping up to the mark and the next ambassador to be featured in our weekly spotlight is Stewart Cruickshank, 5x Commonwealth Games Medallist making a return to competitive weightlifting. Over to you Stewart…   Stewart: Hi, I’m Stewart Cruickshank a former competitive Weightlifter achieving 2 silver and 3 bronze medals...

3 min read

How can yoga compliment your workouts

How can yoga compliment your workouts

We all know yoga is beneficial for us but it's neglected by many.  Whether you are a weightlifter, runner or swimmer - adding a practice like yoga to your fitness regime can have a positive effect on your general health and fitness, performance and is the perfect compliment to your...

3 min read