Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes

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U Perform Proto-col Mother's Day promotion

Introducing Proto-col

Mother’s Day is a special time for us all and to help the U Perform family celebrate Mother’s Day we are bringing something a little bit different… to do this we have teamed up with our sister brand Proto-col to offer you and your mums something extra special this year....

3 min read

Protein pancakes

Protein pancakes

This pancake day why not try something a little different for your pancake mix?Protein is a macronutrient we all need. It aids recovery after exercise, boosts your immune system, lowers stress and stimulates weight loss. So for anyone running out of ideas on how to get their protein fix, U...

2 min read

Why whey protein?

Why whey protein?

Not all protein is created equal. In fact, some forms of protein, like whey for example, are way better than others. But whey is more than just a protein… it contains so much more and all of which can give significant benefits to the user. That’s us by the ‘whey’!...

5 min read

Can you afford not to take collagen supplements?

Can you afford not to take collagen supplements?

Over the next couple of months here at U Perform we are making it our mission to tackle a really big topic in sport and exercise and something that is incredibly important to us… Injury Prevention and Recovery   Injuries are probably the last thing on everybody’s mind…until they happen...

6 min read

Q&A with Charlie Unwin - Round 2

Q&A with Charlie Unwin - Round 2

Your questions answered. Check it out 👇 Subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel to never miss an episode If you would prefer to read a text version of Charlie's Q&A - check out the video transcript below 👇 Amy Williams: Hi everyone. It's Amy Williams here for the U...

15 min read

Beginner's Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation

Beginner's Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation

Watch Episode 16 here 👇 Subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel to never miss an episode If you would prefer to read a text version of Arron's latest vlog - check out the video transcript below 👇 Amy Williams: Hi, it's Amy Williams here for the U Perform channel....

9 min read

The real cost of being injured

The real cost of being injured

No matter our level of ability or physical activity - aches, pains, niggles and injuries are going to happen at some point in our fitness journey. And when they do, they are guaranteed to stop you in your tracks temporarily whilst your body gets to work repairing and recovering. As...

6 min read

Q&A with Charlie Unwin - Mental Performance Coach

Q&A with Charlie Unwin - Mental Performance Coach

Q&A with Charlie Unwin Your questions answered in the video below 👇 Subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel to never miss an episode If you would prefer to read a text version of Charlie's vlog - check out the video transcript below 👇 Amy Williams: Hello everyone. It's Amy...

15 min read

Winter Training - How to stay motivated and keep training

Winter Training - How to stay motivated and keep tra...

Watch Episode 15 here 👇 Subscribe to the U Perform YouTube Channel to never miss an episode If you would prefer to read a text version of Arron's latest vlog - check out the video transcript below 👇 Amy Williams: Hi everyone it's Amy Williams here for the U Perform...

11 min read

U Perform January Fitness Challenge

31 Days to a Fitter & Healthier U - Your 24 Day Chec...

We’ve smashed past quitter's weekend and we are through to the third week of January. Time flies when you are having fun! We hope you are enjoying our ’31 Days to a fitter & healthier U’ so far. We have covered a lot of ground so naturally you might have...

5 min read