Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes

New to the U Perform blog? Read these popular articles first

How can mindfulness practices improve your health?

How can mindfulness practices improve your health?

Over the last few years, there has been a surge in interest in mindfulness practices.  Instagram has helped drive this forward and there are multiple mindfulness apps available that have made it all more accessible for the masses.  The rise in mental health conditions and the fact that it's now...

4 min read

Peanut Butter Granola Cups

Peanut Butter Granola Cups

This is another one of our quick and easy, tasty snacks that you are going to love.  All you need is a saucepan, there is no baking involved, so why not get the children involved in making these peanut butter granola cups.  They are a great energy boost.   Preparation...

2 min read

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Vanessa aka @thegirlonabike

U Perform Ambassador Spotlight - Vanessa aka @thegir...

For our first Ambassador Spotlight, we would like introduce to you Vanessa, aka @thegirlonabike, a hard enduro rider who’s battled through from a life changing accident. Here’s Vanessa to tell her story:   Vanessa: 6 years ago, in a single moment, life as I knew it was taken away by...

3 min read

Inspirational Podcast Recommendations

Inspirational Podcast Recommendations

During this lockdown period, many of us are turning to podcasts to alleviate some of the boredom.  Here are a few of our favourite podcasts to help you pass the time in a meaningful way.   The Tim Ferriss Show: Your first port of call is the world’s biggest health...

2 min read

How to shop healthy

How to shop healthy

Food shopping can be a difficult and stressful time, even for the most organised people.  However, when we just walk into the shop without any idea of what we want buy, this task becomes even more difficult. It seems that every aisle is full of the most tempting, unhealthy foods,...

3 min read

How to control food cravings

How to control food cravings

If you have ever tried a restrictive diet, then it’s very likely that you will have experienced the dreaded food cravings. Food cravings are intense, and sometimes irresistible urges to eat.  We usually end up craving a specific food or taste.  Foods high in sugars or other carbohydrates commonly cause...

4 min read

Why weight training helps you shape up & burn fat

Why weight training helps you shape up & burn fat

Weight training is the style of exercise of choice for many people.  It burns fat, builds strength and muscle helping you get into shape. With every client I have we do weight training because of the vast benefits and how efficient it is over other training modalities. Although the calorie...

3 min read

Prepare your mind for the 5km run - I can & I will

Prepare your mind for the 5km run - I can & I will

In this week's blogs we have been providing you with all the helpful training and nutrition advice you need to get you ready for your first ever 5km run. But there is there is one more thing we can do to prepare. And we have saved it until last.  We...

3 min read

How to fuel your 5km run.

How to fuel your 5km run.

You’ve completed the ‘U to Running’, 8 week 5km training program written by Professor Greg Whyte OBE – Click Here to download the plan for FREE – and you’re ready to go and run your first 5km… but what should you eat? Never underestimate the power of good nutrition.  The...

4 min read

Pre 5km preparation - warm up and warm down

Pre 5km preparation - warm up and warm down

5 TopTips for preparing for a 5km run   Last week I described how good running can be and the many benefits it has on the body and mind. So, this week I wanted to give some advice on how to get started and run a 5km. Here are 5...

5 min read