Recovery, Nutrition and Fitness Advice for Athletes
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Pre 5km preparation - warm up and warm down
5 TopTips for preparing for a 5km run Last week I described how good running can be and the many benefits it has on the body and mind. So, this week I wanted to give some advice on how to get started and run a 5km. Here are 5...
5 min read

The Surprising Benefits of Exercising Outdoors
With the current lockdown situation, we must savour our time outside more than ever, particularly if you don't have a garden or private space to move in at home. The 1hr we are permitted outside is a precious time for your body and mind. Whether you are out running, doing...
3 min read

Overcoming obstacles and setbacks.
Setting goals is very easy… actually achieving them is where most of us stumble and fall. We don’t tend to fail because the goal was too hard, we tend to fail because we get derailed by unexpected obstacles and setbacks that get in our way.Basically there are three types of...
3 min read

Muscle building calories.
The basics of building lean muscle are quite simple. We need to ensure that we are eating a small calorie surplus daily, we are getting enough bioavailable protein to assist in protein synthesis and that we are placing enough stimulus on our body to create a progressive overload. Other important...
3 min read

Get on Ur Bike
With the warm Spring weather and Government directive including cycling as one of the recommended forms of exercise during ‘lockdown’, we thought it would be helpful to share some ideas on how to stay safe and get the most out of your rides. Why get on Ur bike? Cycling is...
5 min read
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How often should you workout?
We all know that staying active has so many health benefits. Yet in a recent survey 41% of British adults, between the ages of 41-60, fail to walk for more than 10 minutes a day. We could all do with becoming more active, but it’s often hard to work out...
3 min read

The importance of water.
We have all heard it time and time again, you’ve got to drink water as it is essential for your health and wellbeing. But why is it so important?Here are 7 ways that water helps you improve your health and wellbeing that you may not have considered before:1. It prevents...
3 min read