look after your health and wellness with U Perform - man resting on his bicycle looking at a beautiful view
look after your health and wellness with U Perform - man resting on his bicycle looking at a beautiful view


Health & Wellness

We can all agree that life is undoubtedly fraught with daily stresses, so much so that we should question whether they are threatening our overall health and wellness.

Stress is the body's reaction to feeling threatened or under pressure. It's very common, and small amounts of stress can be helpful… motivating us to achieve things in our daily life. But too much stress can affect our mood, our body and our relationships – especially when it feels out of our control. It can make us feel anxious and irritable, and affect our self-esteem.

Experiencing a lot of stress over a long period of time can also lead to a feeling of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, often called burnout.

We can’t eliminate all the stresses of daily life, but we can make the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices to prevent these stresses from wearing us down. There are many ways in which you can cultivate an optimal culture of health and wellness.


Health and wellness are terms that are often used together or unintentionally swapped to mean the other, but their origins and meanings are different. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in the 1940s, stated that health is referred to as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 

While this definition has been criticised for being overly inclusive and unattainable, with regards to the word “complete”... very importantly, it has broadened the medical definition of health beyond the simple absence of disease. 

According to the WHO, the primary factors of health include the social, economic, and physical environments, and the person’s individual characteristics and behaviours. 

The WHO then goes on to state that the maintenance and improvement of health, depends not only on external or environmental factors, but also on the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the person. In fact, it depends on wellness.

The definition of wellness may surprise you! Although there are various definitions of wellness, depending on the context, according to the National Wellness Institute, wellness is considered, “an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence”. This definition is based on 3 core values:

  • Wellness is considered a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.
  • Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment.
  • Wellness is positive and affirming.

In brief the difference between health and wellness is simply that health is a state of being, whereas wellness is the state of living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. 

Health refers to physical, mental, and social well-being; wellness aims to enhance your overall well-being in those areas.


“There is no nobler mission in life than to encourage each and everyone to become the best version of themselves (physically, mentally and emotionally).”- World Wellness Weekend founder, Jean-Guy de Gabriac.

WWW’s founder Jean-Guy de Gabriac shares five pillars of a wellness lifestyle that are easy to work into your everyday routine:

Sleep & Creativity: Tired of being tired? Restorative sleep is the foundation of rest and rejuvenation. The amount of sleep you get has a big impact on your creativity. Better sleep helps the brain make connections and solve problems, powering the creative process.

Nutrition & Immunity: To function well, your immune system requires balance and harmony. Your first line of defence to boost immunity is a healthy diet—think more fruit and vegetables; less processed foods and simple sugars.

Vitality & Movement: Exercise can have an enormous impact on your mood by increasing serotonin, plus can be just as effective as antidepressants in treating mild depression. Exercise also increases your level of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. So take care of your body; it’s the only place you can live in.

Serenity & Mindfulness: A calm mind is an oasis in the middle of all the “busy-ness” of life and is the safe space where you can recharge before heading back into the hustle-bustle. Research suggests that tapping into a mindful and calm state helps you to become more resilient.

Purpose & Solidarity: Some people wake up to an alarm clock while others wake up to a calling. Studies show that people who are most likely to find meaning and purpose in life are the ones who value work and responsibility; accept what they can control and what they can’t; show compassion and are ready to serve those around them.

Here at U Perform we encourage all of the above… we understand the value of living an active lifestyle and our nutritional supplements are formulated to promote optimal health… helping you in your pursuit of your personal wellness.

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients—because they combine with other nutrients and compounds to perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help promote bone health, heal wounds, and support your immune system. They also convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage.

No matter how healthy and balanced we think our diet is… there are some vitamins & minerals that your body doesn’t naturally produce or can’t absorb as easily from foods. This is why many people take vitamin supplements to maintain the optimum level required for a healthy & active lifestyle.

Active Balance is ‘Your Proven Advantage’ when it comes to providing you with the essential nutrients that your body needs to perform optimally... but don’t just take our word for it. Why does science suggest you should take Active Balance as part of your daily nutritional strategy?


The nutritional values of some popular vegetables, from asparagus to spinach, have dropped significantly since 1950. A 2004 US study found important nutrients in some garden crops are up to 38% lower than there were at the middle of the 20th Century. 

On average, across the 43 vegetables analysed, calcium content declined 16%, iron by 15% and phosphorus by 9%. The vitamins riboflavin and ascorbic acid both dropped significantly, while there were slight declines in protein levels. 

So while everyone suggests that you can absorb an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy and balanced diet… the question is can you, if the foods you eat have less nutrients in them?


Our powerful multivitamin, Active Balance, offers a convenient way of complimenting your diet with 71 vitamins and minerals, alongside fruit and plant extracts, amino acids and prebiotics, to restore and rebalance the body’s overall wellness.

Unlike most multivitamin supplements, Active Balance is a science-led, evidence backed premium formulation that uses generous amounts of vitamins, minerals, plant, fruit, and herbal ingredients to specifically meet the daily demands of an active body. 

Antioxidants are nutrients in plant foods, known as phytochemicals, and are found in deeply coloured fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as in other plants and noted foods.

These Antioxidants have the ability to take destructive free radicals and convert them to harmless waste products that the body can eliminate before any damage is done.  

You may, however, be wondering why free radicals pose a threat. In short, a free radical is a molecule with one electron missing, which leaves them highly unstable. In their instability, they attack stable molecules to rob them of their electrons—causing a cascade of new free radicals to form and wreak havoc on the body.

Studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Food Chemistry indicate that eating a diet high in antioxidant fruits and vegetables may even support cardiovascular health, boosting immunity, brain function and supporting our cells during the normal ageing process.

Active Berries is ‘Your Proven Advantage’ when it comes to protecting your body from oxidative stress... but don’t just take our word for it. Why does science suggest you should take Active Berries as part of your immune system boosting nutritional strategy?


Epidemiological prospective studies show that higher intakes of antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and legumes are associated with a lower risk of chronic oxidative stress-related diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and deaths from all causes. (Joshipura KJ, et al. Annals of internal medicine. 2011). A plant-based diet is believed to protect against chronic oxidative stress-related diseases. (Carlsen MH, et al. Nutrition journal. 2010).


Active Berries is a unique blend of powerful ingredients, which are a great source of natural antioxidants, formulated to support your body's own antioxidant defences and help reduce oxidative stress.  

Each daily serving of two capsules delivers an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of over 10,000 units – the equivalent of around 15 portions of fruit and vegetables.

Active Berries is formulated to support your active lifestyle with all the power of fruits and berries, but without the sugars.

Living an active lifestyle means you need to be your best self on each and every day. And for that, you need to eat your best. However, we can often become quite blasé about eating well. Sure, you like a good kale and spinach salad from time to time. But how many green foods can you really eat in a day? You’re not a rabbit… right.

There are so many reasons to use Active Greens to boost your diet. They support a strong body, and a healthier life. Science even shows that people who eat more greens can have better memories, and a slower rate of mental decline than those who don’t.

Formulated to help maintain optimum vitality and to promote healthy digestion, as well as supporting the immune system. This green food blend delivers a dose of exceptional nutrition in just 6g - 28kcal. Contains no gluten, lactose, soy, added sugars, preservatives, artificial flavours or colours.

Active Greens is ‘Your Proven Advantage’ when it comes to promoting optimal health & wellness… but don’t just take our word for it. Why does science suggest you should take Active Greens as part of your nutritional strategy?


Greens powders may enhance overall wellness, support immune function and help reduce chronic disease risk. “Based on its antioxidant properties, the results suggest that greens powders might play a role in reducing the risk of chronic diseases involving a burden of oxidative damage.” (Venket Rao, et al.2011).


U Perform’s Active Greens is a superfood blend of 16 nutrient-rich plant extracts, botanicals, sea vegetables & probiotics, carefully formulated to support an active lifestyle.

This nutrient-dense green superfood blend has been formulated to deliver a balanced variety of micro-nutrients including amino acids, essential fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics & antioxidants.

Active Greens is a science-led, evidence backed premium green food formulation that blends superfood ingredients to specifically meet the daily demands of an active body.